Monday, the 27th of may 2024 at 19h20
Mise à jour Temtem Switch PS5 Xbox PC

Season 7 and its huge update arrive on Monday June 3 at around 10 a.m.! As usual, Crema has put together a news item to give us a sneak preview of what's in store for this 1.7 patch. On the agenda: the Arcade Bar, lots of balancing, more Feathers Plumes rewards, quality of life... and above all, the end of microtransactions in Temtem!

Goodbye Novas Novas, everything will now be purchasable with Feathers Plumes that you can get while playing.

Read all about it in the official post or in the TemActu!

Aperçu de SALLE D'ARCADE et de la SAISON 7 de TEMTEM - Temtem France Une mise en bouche de la Salle d'arcade de Temtem, un aperçu des prochaines nouveaux... A sneak peek into patch 1.7! – Crema

Sources : Crema

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