Play the Temtem: Swarm demo!

You can play Temtem: Swarm for free from 12 October at 7pm until 21 October at 7pm! To do so, go to the Temtem: Swarm page on Steam and download the demo!
You'll be able to play 4 characters, 3 of which are unlockable, as well as multiplayer mode, experience sharing, increase your skills and unlock Hourras! It'll give you a good idea of what Temtem: Swarm is all about, and what's more, you'll be able to play it with your friends!
If you'd like to find out more about what to expect in Swarm, you can watch my video review of the game.
QUE PENSER de TEMTEM: SWARM ? J'ai TESTÉ la BÊTA ! - Temtem France Que penser de Temtem: Swarm ? Est-ce que le jeu vaut le coup ? J'ai... Temtem: Swarm on Steam
Sources : Crema
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