You want to support Temtem France?

Did one of the site's tools help you? Do you make all your deliveries with the NPC card? Are you in a generous mood? Or you simply want to support my work? Then you are at the right place !
Nothing is mandatory of course, but in case you want to help me, you can do so via the Tipeee page below.
Thanks a lot for your support!

On Temtem France, I have always proposed free content and it will always remain so in the future. however, the site and its server still have a cost... and at the moment, it is far from being profitable through advertising. But it is out of question for me to increase their number (I already try to make them rather discreet). Being alone to take care of the development of the site and its hosting I decided to open this page of support in spite of my reticence on this subject.
You can support me on Tipeee, but also on Patreon.