Silicon Chunk
No information... |
TP Token Box
No information... |
Smoke Bomb
Teleports the Player to the last visited Temporium. |
Tiny Crystal
Can be sold at a good price. |
Average Crystal
Can be sold at a good price. |
Hunting for exceptional Temtem? This unique device pinpoints the location of nearby specimens with great SVs. |
Silicon Shard
Can be sold at a good price. |
Silicon Fragment
Can be sold at a good price. |
Reduces untamed encounters for 100 meters. |
Spirits' Favor
Those favored by the ancient powers of Paninsula may enter a lair without paying the cost. |
Learning Aid
Developed by the top Arburian teachers, these help your Temtem learn faster and more effectively. Experience gains are doubled. |
Learning Aid+
No information... |
Max Scent
No information... |
WishYouWell Coin
A very special type of coin, especially designed to go 'down-well'. Geddit? |
Sea Salt
Can be sold at a good price. |
Growth Enhancer+
No information... |
Super Scent
The parfum version of Eau de Pas-Tem, a stronger concentration of the essential oils. Greatly reduces untamed encounters for a while. |
Long metal... thing?
A long metallic rod with an elaborate pattern of hooks at the tip... some sort of tool? What for? |
Wow, a limited edition! These exclusive SaiCards are only for use at Saipark in Deniz. |
Allows to capture and Tame Temtem. |
Allows to capture and Tame Temtem with an increased catch rate. |
A professional-grade TemCard, used by Dojo Masters. Very few Temtem will escape this TemCard. |
This TemCard never misses its target. |
Heals the Poisoned Status Condition. |
Energetic Banana
Restores 50% STA. |
Restores 25 HP. |
Restores 70 HP. |
Vital Durian
Restores 50% HP. |
Restores 20 STA. |
Restores 45 STA. |
Energetic Kiwi
Restores 25% STA. |
Vigorous Loquat
Restores 40% HP and 27% STA. |
Vigorous Loquat
Restores 40% HP and 40% STA. |
Vital Apple
Restores 25% HP. |
Heals the Burned Status Condition. |
Heals the Cold and Frozen Status Conditions. |
Heals the ASleep Status Condition. |
Revives with 50% HP and 50% STA. |
Full Revive
The ultimate replenisher. Restores full HP, STA and heals all Status Conditions. |
Power Revive
Revives with 25% HP and 100% STA. |
Restores 15 HP and 12 STA. |
Restores 42 HP and 24 STA. |
Vitamin complex
Temtem with this gear spends 3 turns in battle, all negative stage modifications are removed. |
Aloe Vera
Damage done to Toxic Temtem is increased by 15%. |
Untamed Temtem are forced to target the bearer. |
Heavy armor
Reduces SPD by 15% and damage taken is reduced by 10%. |
Resistance Badge
Damage done with Neutral techniques is increased by 10%. |
At the start of the turn, restores 5 points of STA. |
Nutrition Bar
At the end of each turn, it restores 5% of the max HP of the holder if it has taken damage during that turn. |
Baton Pass
When entering the battlefield, restores 10% of max HP. |
Power Bank
Offensive techniques gain a 7.5% damage boost per hold. |
When a rival enters the battlefield, they lose 10% of max STA and 5% of max HP. This effect cannot knock out Temtem. |
Building Blocks
Gets 1 turn of regenerating every 2 turns the Temtem remains on the battlefield. |
Energy Drink
Prevents the Asleep status condition. |
Straw Shield
Prevents 65% of the damage from the first super-effective technique received (x4). |
Rock Shield
Damage taken from Crystal techniques is reduced by 20%. |
Doppelganger Brooch
Damage done to Temtem in the same evolutionary line is increased by 50%. |
Redirection Device
When the ally is targeted by a Digital technique, damage is reduced by 50%. |
Fat Burner
Increases SPD by 10% and reduces ATK and :atksp: by 15%. |
Cable Link
If the holder takes part in a synergy technique, both the holder and the ally regain 12% of their max STA. |
When entering the battlefield gets Immune for 2 turns and removes stage changes of the Temtem holding the gear. |
Tinfoil Hat
Damage taken from Digital techniques is reduced by 30%. |
When attacked with an offensive technique, disables itself and the attacker's gear. |
Shuine's Horn
Changes the Temtem's Toxic type techniques to Water and damage dealt with these techniques is increased by 25%. |
Prevents the Burnt status condition and damage taken by Fire techniques is reduced by 10%. |
Iron Coating
Damage done with Earth techniques is increased by 10%. |
Refreshing Diabolo
Once per battle, the ally restores 40% of max HP and 25% of max STA after the Temtem stays 3 consecutive turns on the battlefield. |
Adrenaline Shot
Once per battle, when the holder would lose a turn by cause of Overexertion because of lack of STA, the turn penalty is prevented. |
Double Screen
Damage taken from dual type Temtem is reduced by 10%. |
Once per battle, when attacked, get invigorated and immune for 2 turns. |
Hand Fan
+10% damage when using Wind Techniques. |
Fake Beard
When entering the battlefield, gets Invigorated for 2 turns. |
Reactive Vial
Once per battle, when attacked with an effective or super effective technique, it Nullfies for 2 turns the Temtem and recovers 8% of HP. |
Morale-boosting Whip
When entering the battlefield, the ally gets Invigorated during 3 turns and loses 20% of max STA. |
Ice Cube
-20% damage when hit by Fire Techniques. |
Instead of earning TVs from defeated Temtem, the Temtem loses half those TVs. |
Instead of earning TVs from defeated Temtem, them Temtem loses those TVs. |
Prevents the Trapped status condition. |
When getting a positive status condition, removes 1 turn from it and then it gets redirected to the ally. |
First Aid Kit
Once per battle, if a Temtem’s HP is below 25%, they heal 20% of their Max HP back. |
Techniques with base damage lower than 60 and priority lower than deal 50 % more damage. |
Increases the chance of running away from Combat. |
Damage taken from Wind techniques is reduced by 20%. |
Tucma Mask
Prevents the Poison Status Condition. |
When Exhausting a target or attacking an Exhausted Temtem, the target gets Trapped for 2 turns. |
Restores 15% max HP of an Asleep Temtem. |
Mom's Lunch
When entering the battlefield, rivals and the ally get Exhausted for 1 turn. The holder now receives 4 turns of Seized. |
Damage taken by Water Techniques is reduced by 20%. |
Lightning Rod
Damage taken by Electric Techniques is reduced by 20%. |
When attacking a Evading target, removes the Evading status condition. The technique will not fail and its damage done is increased by 15%. |
When knocked out, the attacker gets Trapped for 2 turns. |
Healing medicine items used in battle restore an additional 70% HP. |
Doubles the TV gain from defeating untamed Temtem. |
Fire Chip
+10% damage when using Fire Techniques. |
Hacked microchip
Damage done to Digital Temtem is increased by 15%. |
Gravel Bag
When attacking with a Earth special technique, uses the ATK instead of SPATK. |
Prevents the Doomed Status condition. |
War Drum
Allies damage done with Physical techniques is increased by 8%. |
When attacking with a Physical Electric technique, the target gets Burn for 1 turn. |
At the start of the turn and when overexerted, DEF and SPDEF are increased by 200% for the turn. |
Sensei Robe
Damage done with Melee techniques is increased by 15%. |
Prevents Cold and, when resting, when resting, removes Frozen status condition and restores 40 of max STA. |
Hopeless Tonic
Once per battle, if the Temtem is the last ally standing, it gets the Evading and Invigorated Status Conditions for 2 turns, and gets SPD . |
Four-leaf Clover
Increases the catch-rate when capturing untamed Temtem. |
Damage taken by Earth techniques is reduced by 20%. |
Strange Vest
When attacked with a Physical technique, uses the SPDEF and when attacked with a Special technique, uses the DEF. |
Ignoramus' Cloak
Contrarian incogno-cloak that prevents the Temtem holding it from gaining experience or TVs from battle. |
Coward's Cloak
Allows the holding Temtem to gain experience and TV from Combat without taking part. |
StickTem! Album
This venerable, out-of-print tome holds your budding collection of vintage StickTem! stickers. |
Borrowed from CremaCorp to take some reference pictures for Art team. |
Signed authozisation
An authorization to access Ulterior Omninesia, signed by Tihani. You got this from Carlos. |
Airship ticket
A passenger ticket for the airship "Narwhal", plying the Arissola-Nanga-Uhuru route. |
Coffee jug
A big jug of delicious, hot coffee, good for many refills! |
Fishing Rod
Your very own fishing rod! Go fish'em all! |
Archipelago Map
"A Complete Geographical Survey of the Airborne Archipelago", by the renown Tucmani cartographer Xela Zonum. |
This tea bowl is a beautiful example of Cipanki craftmanship, probably very ancient... |
Hotel key
The key to Kalei's room at the Arissola Palace Hotel. |
Bedroom key
The key to an officer's bedroom in Telobos... |
Elevator key
Rawiri's key to the Elevator that connects the three regions of Omninesia. |
Key to your house
The keys to your very own house in Atoll Row! |
Braeside Castle Key
This is Lady Lottie's key to the ancestral home of her family, Castle Breaside. |
Fort Windward key
An ancient-looking key to the dungeons of Windward Fort. |
Coward's Blanket
Cutting-edge cogno-blanket that allows the whole squad to gain experience from battle without taking part in it. Also: warm and cozy. |
Matter-Transfer Drone
This experimental device calls in an instant matter transfer device drone that effectively teleports you somewhere else!<br><br>Can be used directly from your Archipelago Map/ |
Temdeck Slots
This keeps track of how many total slots are available for storing Temtem in you Temdeck.<br><br>Currently, you have XXX total slots (XXX as per your basic endowment, plus XXX extra slots from Temtem Plus). |
Temessence Phial
A vial of Temessence, enough to heal your whole squad. Repleninsh at HealTem machines and by certain characters. It contains a single dose. / It is empty. |
Rock-Hopping Hook
Traditionally used for the Tucmani sport and art of rock-hopping. |
Twin Clue - First
Find us where the wild Kinu grow. |
Twin Clue - Second
Find us in the saltiest place. |
Twin Clue - Third
Find us in the coldest place. |
Twin Clue - Fourth
Find us where poison becomes life. |
Twin Clue - Fifth
Find us at the threshold of another Sphere. |
Twin Clue - Last
Find us at the highest of the lowest, within the high depths. |
Congressional Insignia
Identifies you as a Special Agent of the First Archipelagic Congress - one of very few; entrusted with an unprecedented responsability. |
Interview with Adia
Héctor's questionnaire for Adia Turay. |
Onsen invitation
An invitation to Onsenshima, signed by Dr. Sasaya. |
Lady Lottie's diary
Starts Lottie's Diary. |
Potent Laxatives
These are guaranteed to make you feel lighter... afterwards. |
References request for Art
References needed (in order of priority): 1. A fiery inferno / 2. A dark dungeon / 3. A world of ice |
Message in a bottle
Starts the Message in a Bottle quest. |
Egg Timer
Tictoc... is it already time for your Temeggs to hatch? This handy timer will let you know when the little ones arrive. |
Konstantinos' Note
" [Player], I have a lead on Nalla's whereabouts. Meet me at my office at the university. Make haste - they're watching me! Your friend, -Professor K." |
Signed Inspection Orders
Belsoto documents authorizing a technical inspection of the Telobos engines... signed by Dr. Hamijo himself! |
Emergency Parachute
*This* was Carlos' famous plan?! |
Koan Scroll
...sound of clapping with one hand... color of a fallen tree... what do you do when you can do nothing... |
Crystal skates
A pair of crystal skates, ideal for moving on slippery surfaces. |
Gravitonic piolets
You don't really understand how this hi-teck device works, but it allows you to cling to rock faces and climb them with ease. |
Annoted screenplay
1. "What do mine eyes..." 2. "Betrayed!" 3. "Baobdil of Turquesa!" 4.(with passion!) 5. "Fare thee well..." |
A series of detailed schematics by Oliana of MyrEng, to be delivered to the Guildmaster of Quetzal. |
A StickTem sticker! This one is in mint condition. |
Sticker (Damaged)
A StickTem sticker! This one is badly damaged, showing the scars of time. |
Allows the Player to surf and traverse water bodies. |
Acid-Prood Surfboard
A fine Denizan board, formerly owned by Dojo Master Sophia. It has been acid-proofed for use in even the most toxic of waters. |
The quintessential device every Tamer should have. The Tempedia records crucial info on every Temtem seen and caught. Yours is a present from Aina. |
Property Deed
This document proves you own a plot of land in Atoll Row, Omninesia. |
Lithe DNA Strand
This single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's SPD. |
Aggressive DNA Strand
This single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's ATK. |
Endurance DNA Strand
This single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's STA. |
Gifted DNA Strand
This single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's SPATK. |
Immunity DNA Strand
Ensures the egg inherits the parent's DEF and SPDEF. |
Dominant DNA Strand
This single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's SPDEF. |
Hardening DNA Strand
This single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's DEF. |
Engineered DNA Strand
This single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent´s trait slot. |
Mighty DNA Strand
Ensures the egg inherits the parent's ATK and SPATK. |
Vigor DNA Strand
Ensures the egg inherits the parent's HP and STA. |
Vitality DNA Strand
This single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's HP. |
Incubator Ticket
This ticket contains all the information for the Breeding Center incubator to fast-hatch a Temtem egg. |
X-Incubator Ticket
Includes a boost to X chromosomes to increase the chances of female offspring. |
Y-Incubator Ticket
Includes a boost to Y chromosomes to increase the chances of male offspring. |
Bandana and Spray
Careful when you go through doorways... |
An easier way to keep your hair tidy in the classroom and in the field. |
Flat cap with short hair
The classic Arburian headwear for weekends in the city or pleasant hikes in the countryside. Keeps the rain off your head |
Flat cap with long hair
The classic Arburian headwear for weekends in the city or pleasant hikes in the countryside. Keeps your hair nice and tidy. |
Tsundere beret
No information... |
Boating Club fascinator
No information... |
Big hair
Only slightly tied to keep it under control. |
Adorably Whimsical curls
No information... |
Primal Hunter updo
No information... |
Daisy Buns
A bold choice for tamer with luxuriant hair. Don't try to sleep on it! |
Incognito Hood
This hood covers your feature - enough to let you slip around the Guards if they don't pay much attention... |
Tucmani Hood
A very convenient hood to conceal one's identity, ideal for renegades, fugitives and tamer's of mystery... |
Summit Leader helmet
No information... |
Resistance cap
Keeps your hair tidy while you defeat General X. |
TemCap (short)
Don't let all that Temtem taming go to your head... |
TemCap (long)
Don't let all that Temtem taming go to your head... |
Triangle Head hat
No information... |
Myrisles chic
Hoop earrings, a simple ponytail and hibiscus for the effortless Omninesian charmer. |
Cleo Bangs
For lovers of tidy hair and strictly straight angles. |
Uhuru cut
A cutting-edge style popular amongst the cool kids of the cosmopolitan Uhuru. |
College Cut
College Cut. |
All the rage among alternative young (and young-at-heart) tamers. |
Full Dreadlocks
A statement as much as a style, this look conveys freedom and independence. |
Femme side part
Simple but cute and oh-so feminine, for tamers who want to look chic in the dojo and in the field. |
Flat Top
A trendy haircut, as seen on TemTV. |
Big Bandana
Keeps your hair out of your eyes during Temtem fights. |
Cool and edgy, if you don't mind the restricted cone of vision. |
The natural big-hair look that has won over the boulevards of the Uhuru. |
Swimmer Kit
Ready to explore any body of water... or just chill by the poolside. |
Long bob
A simple yet elegent long bob, easy to wear but with lots of volume. |
Long parted haircut
Long, natural and easy for the understatedly elegant tamer. |
Long wooly
As fuzzy and charming as the shorter wooly style, but with even more fuzzy goodness! |
Clockwork googles
No information... |
Airship Engineer Goggles
These practical goggles are used by engineers and aeronauts from all over the Archipelago |
Airship Engineer Goggles
These practical goggles are used by engineers and aeronauts from all over the Archipelago. |
Pushed Up Shades
For when you wear them just for the feels. |
Snow googles and hat
No information... |
Intellectual glasses
No information... |
Cut down the glare, amp the cool factor. |
Frosted Spirit mask
No information... |
Bloodhunter mask
No information... |
Mask and short hair
Practical and hygienic, this combo makes sure your view is clear and your airways are protected. |
Mask and bobbed hair
The best solution for protection, anonymity, and mysterious allure... with a cute touch. |
Baneful mask
No information... |
Royal Mummy mask
No information... |
Oni mask
No information... |
Innki Shaman mask
No information... |
Desert Rogue mask
No information... |
Side bangs
A relaxed, and informal haircut, popular among the sportier young tamers. |
Urban siren ornament
No information... |
Widow's Peak
The haircut of last generation's cinema idols! It does get any more vintage than this... |
Boating Club porkpie
No information... |
Loose ponytail
A classic style favored by tamers and martial artists alike, good for keeping hair out of your face while you do the fighting. |
Bubble ponytail
No information... |
This high style adds a few centimeters to your height - and millions to your coolness factor. |
Samurai bun
A modern revival of a traditional Cipanki hairstyle! |
Shaved and dreadlocks
Eye-catching and unmistakeable, this Omninesian style is a must amongst cool kids. |
Short wooly
Naturally fuzzy and uncomplicated for a casual and adorable look. |
Spiky Hair
A young, unisex style for hip tamers and fashion-conscious rebels. |
Hattaco (short)
Love tacos? Why not show it to the world? There's no fashion police in the Archipelago. |
Hattaco (long)
Love tacos? Why not show it to the world? There's no fashion police in the Archipelago. |
The Aina
It's been at least twenty years since she last wore it like this, but she was quite the fashion icon back then. |
Alpine hat with short hair
A traditional hat, mostly seen on reenactment fairs. Very elegant with short hair. |
Alpine hat with long hair
A traditional hat, mostly seen on reenactment fairs. Very chic with long hair. |
Saddle Dye
Ideal for long journeys through the wilds. |
Aguamarina dye
Water reflections on glistening crystals. |
Brink Pink dye
Seeing life throught rose-colored glasses. |
Alto dye
Elegantly understated. |
Woken Anak dye
Secret fires burning in the depths. |
Ancient Monarch dye
Echoes of bygone greatness. |
Silver dye
Especially flattering to tanned and olive complexions. |
Grey Dawn dye
Hope behind the clouds. |
Arburian Rain dye
Overcast skies reflected on the still waters of a pond. |
Archtamer Azure dye
The enigmatic Archtamers are fabled for wearing this dignified color. |
Buttermilk dye
Creamy and satisfying. |
Ship Cove dye
Deep and mysterious. |
Cotton Candy dye
The very definition of eye candy. |
Bazaar dye
Vibrant and full of life. |
Creamy White dye
Cool and crisp. |
White dye
Basics never die. |
Ara Blue dye
Named after famous Denizan portrait painter. |
Lochburg Blue dye
The hue of dawn on yon bonnie banks and yon bonnie braes of Loch Aduar. |
Quetzal Blue dye
Forge fires reflected on buried sapphires. |
Blue Marguerite dye
Give me your answer. |
Sasaya Blue dye
This is the favorite shade of the great Cipanki scientist, named after her. |
Sillaro Blue dye
You can almost see the gentle ripples and foamy waves. |
Nanto Blue dye
Sleepless nights under the neon signs. |
Cornflower Blue dye
A painterly blue inspired by the flowers of Meadowdale. |
Rose Bud dye
Tender and adorable. |
Briçal Tan dye
Memories of pansunnier days. |
Metallic Bronze dye
Warm but energizing. |
Banyan Brown dye
Growing strong since time immemorial. |
Maroon Flush dye
No, YOU are blushing. |
Cranberry dye
Dense and syrupy, a treat for the eye. |
Canopy dye
Leafy tones under the cover of the Omnitrees. |
Fresh Cucumber dye
The cure for hot summer days. |
Pickled Bean dye
A discreet, modest hue. |
Leather dye
Warm and heady. |
Copper Rust dye
Beautiful patina of time. |
Endaira dye
A legendary hue, named after the greatest hero of all. |
Last Orders dye
Classic hardwood hue inspired by Lochburg pub décor. |
Disco dye
Gimme that night fever. |
Bittersweet dye
C'est la vie. |
Highabove dye
Mystic heights and unknown wonders of magic. |
Emperor dye
Majestically discreet. |
Tawny Port dye
A quiet glass in the leather armchair by the fire. |
Fiery Orange dye
Feel its mellow warmth. |
Biloba Flower dye
An invigorating touch of color. |
Marigold dye
The warmest of golden honey hues. |
Tihani Rose dye
The sweetest of roses is not without thorns. |
Forge dye
The shade of freshly forged steel in the Smiths' Guild. |
Gallery dye
A tasteful pearl gray. |
Ceniciento Ash dye
Ashes drifting silently on a forlorn landscape. |
Gray dye
If you really must dress like an accountant... |
Teatime in Properton dye
Miss Cordelia would like hers with a drop of milk, dear. |
Hibiscus dye
A favourite of Omninesian youths. |
Indigo dye
Friendly and hard-wearing dye used for working clothes. |
Vumbi Days dye
Brings to mind many a desert adventure and savanna trek. |
Antique Brass dye
For the nostalgic and connoisserus of timeless style. |
Laser dye
Big city, bright lights. |
Lavender dye
You can almost smell the Thalassian Cliffs. |
Corn dye
Not quite corny... |
Marzipan dye
Deliciously delicate and sweet. |
Spring Morning dye
So fresh and full of possibilities! |
Pansunny Morning dye
Makes you think of plush cushions and freshly-brewed coffee. |
Viola dye
Everybody's grannie had a dress this colour. |
Tucma Mines dye
A glint of gemstones in the darkest pit. |
Mulberry dye
Just a little tart. |
Nutmeg dye
Sweet, warm, spicy - like the life of a tamer. |
Narwhal dye
Intrepid captains and high adventure across the broad skies! |
Fluffy Clouds dye
Like a blanket of stratocumulus seen from an airship. |
Uhuru Gold dye
Loving would be easy if your dreams were like this... |
Orange Pansunset dye
Those childhood summers that would never end. |
Elm dye
Slender branches dancing in the breeze. |
Warm Pansunlight dye
The color of life and growth. |
Snowy Peaks dye
The rosy-fingered dawn touching the peaks of Kilima. |
Ironstone dye
Mimics the red hematite ore of the Quetzal mines. |
Porcelain dye
Subtle and soothing. |
Medium Purple dye
A compromise between grandeur and informality. |
Royal Purple dye
Only the hue remains. |
Tussock dye
A down-to-earth, easy-to-wear hue. |
Properton Don dye
As dictated by centuries-old academic traditions. |
Plum dye
Luscious and cheeky. |
Arissola Plum dye
Yummy and juicy, yet delicate and fruity. |
Glintwater dye
A young, fresh blue that evokes the bubbling Arburian brook. |
Sea Queen dye
The hue of secrets as deep as the Sillaro. |
Turquesa Dream dye
A reverie of singing foam and salty breeze. |
Prasine Shore dye
The soothing vision of your childhood playground. |
Aina Pink dye
Love and joy. |
Cipanku Pink dye
Like an afternoon under the cherry trees. |
Nanga Pink dye
Flower garlands and cheerful greetings. |
Brilliant Rose Dye
Some days you just feel like bubblegum pink! |
Zadar Red dye
A burst of fire among the blues and teals of the Denizan coast. |
Russet dye
I would rather have a plain, russet-coated tamer who knows what they fight for... |
Temporium Teal dye
Most Temporiums have changed their color scheme, but the name stuck. |
Myrislan Evening dye
Reminds you of the days you shared breath with the Omninesians. |
Sonokeling dye
A touch of noble hardwoods. |
Only Sophia dye
The Dojo Master has many admirers among fashion designers. |
Pino's Memories dye
The colour of experience. |
Stiletto dye
Too cool for school. |
Terra d'Arissola dye
Warm and smooth like pansun-kissed skin. |
Kusini Earth dye
The soul of the savanna, true and untamed. |
Hatless Hill Dust dye
It clings to the fabric as it clings to the soul. |
Shamrock dye
Will it be your lucky color? |
Chini Tunnel dye
Hot air and an earthy fragrance. |
Carlos' Vacation dye
Even the busiest gumshoe needs a lazy, pansunny evening. |
Mudshire Green dye
Rainy days splashing in the puddles. |
Chalet Green dye
A subdued tropical note to your usual green. |
Denizan Green dye
What comes to mind when people think of Deniz. |
Granny Smith Apple dye
Delightfully refreshing and positive. |
Kakama Green dye
A mysterious green, like the secret waters of a long-lost cenote. |
Apple dye
A refreshing, crunchy hue. |
Surfie Green dye
A popular choice for surfboards all across the Sillaro. |
Meadowdale Green dye
Close your eyes and imagine the highlands arount Meadowdale... |
Old Lace dye
Reminiscent of slightly yellow fine Arburian lace. |
Vin Rouge dye
A song full of light and brotherhood from a prison of glass... |
Vivid Violet dye
The first burst of color in spring. |
Zest dye
Young and refreshing. |
Vumbi wattle+daub walls
No information... |
Sillaro Tide wallpaper
No information... |
Funky retro wallpaper
No information... |
Fusuma wallpaper
No information... |
Properly Properton wall
No information... |
Old Quetzal wallpaper
No information... |
Hallowed Halls flooring
No information... |
Radiant sun parquet
No information... |
Zigzag parquet
No information... |
Smart tiled floor
No information... |
Kilima sandstone floor
No information... |
Mictlan mosaic flooring
No information... |
Wee Dram drink cabinet
No information... |
Denizan hob
No information... |
Teakline kitchen sink
No information... |
Denizian sink
No information... |
Traditional Kisiwan over
No information... |
Blokiboi Chrome
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No information... |
Rice steamer island
No information... |
Shibui kitchen island
No information... |
Cozy breakfast cabinet
No information... |
Teakline induction top
No information... |
Tucmani dining table
No information... |
Yareni's kitchen table
No information... |
Ebony divider screen
No information... |
Lush Garden fence
No information... |
Bamboo folding screen
No information... |
No information... |
Rock-solid wardrobe
No information... |
Hanafuda cushioned bench
No information... |
Pub-style padded bench
No information... |
TÖRDENAO bookcase
No information... |
Autumn Pansunday shelf
No information... |
No information... |
Bookworm's bookcase
No information... |
Osuchi Memories bookcase
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Lazy Pansunday bookcase
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Designer Pro desk
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Paint It Red desk
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Monday Morning desk
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Geometric canapé
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ÄPPÄLANKE padded chair
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KÜLKUADRATT desk chair
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Laid-back Moyo chair
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Geology&Geometry chair
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Homely teal chaise
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Côte d'Arissola chair
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Chaise rustique FÏXÊOSOL
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Myrislan rustic chair
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Savoir-Faire side table
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50' flatscreen
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Chic Parabolic bookcase
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The Archipelagotrotter
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Wasaga bookshelf
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Rustic shelves
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Tea & Book armchair
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Rawiri-size armchair
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OwlheTu full wardrobe
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Kisiwan Linen double
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Deep Dreamin' bed
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TOKANSAO king-size bed
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BentoDreams single bed
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Bedderalone single
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Soft sitting cushions
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Lady Catherine couch
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Understated TV stand
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Peepnaught screen
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MEKUELGA coat stand
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Pink bamboo pot
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Midnight Oil secretaire
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Homely teal sofa
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Square minimalist sofa
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Uhuru Summers sofa
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Rustic striped sofa
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BunBunk bunk bed
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Onsenshima tea table
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CuppaChill coffee table
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Smart nightstand
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Upper Indigo nightstand
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Blue Dreams nightstand
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Miner-style stool
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Mokupuni rustic stool
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Natural Path carpet
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Mictlan carpet
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Kisiwan cubist carpet
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Braeside Hall carpet
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Clear-Nu rosette rug
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Volgon knit carpet
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Sherald Green carpet
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Prasine wild shurb
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Safari Lounge bench-pot
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Kisiwan drum selection
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Omni banyan bonsai
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Kakama crystal bonsai
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ParaniArt picture
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Golden Schooldays shelf
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Kyowagasa bookshelf
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Old-timer shelf
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Banyanwood bookshelves
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Zadar Dawn window
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Curtained window
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Lava Flow window
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Savanna Vista window
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Some Kind of Superstar
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Chochin-inspired lamp
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Anak Afterglow floor lamp
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Safari Lounge floor lamp
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Second Pansun lamp
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VON BILLIKA wall lamp
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Quetzal Nights wall lamp
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Sillaro Wave wall lamp
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Vumbifuturism wall lamp
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Time & Tide floor lamp
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SmolBois pictures
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Framed shodo scroll
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By the Horns picture
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Natural Family pictures
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Savanna bloom pot
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Owlhemental, Dear Watson
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GreenThumb flower pot
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Rose of Arbury pot
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Koish Fishing Trophy
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Dojo Master Rematch Trophy
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Fruit Blender
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Striped Bikini
Hit the Sillaro beaches in style with this flirty bikini. |
Breezy shirt
A flashy open shirt over a plain color t-shirt, for that summer look. |
Button down formal shirt
Cut by the legendary shirtmakers of Properton, this is the gold standard for formal attire - minus the tie, for extra youth points. |
Rugged Shirt
This traditional design evokes the intrepid times of the first Archipelago explorers. |
Open Shirt
An informal style that screams "too cool for school". Or even the Accademia! |
Safari shirt
A relaxed but elegant sartorial classic, ideal for Temtem-hunting in the Kisiwan plains. |
Shirt/t-shirt combo
A versatile combination: wear open when you're in the field, button down for a dressier look. |
Half Miyako-traditional, half Neoedo-modern, this original jacket is 100% contemporary Cipanku. |
Cold shoulder shirt
Long sleeve or short sleeve? Have the best of both with this innovative, trend-setting design. |
Belts and hoops top
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Sea-queen's knot top
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Bandana top
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Kisiwan Resistance top
Protects your torso from the Kisiwan Pansun... and your fists, in case you come to blows with the Belsoto. |
Cave Raider top
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Cool Kid top and gloves
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Y2K spirit top
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Sleeveless top
A form-fitting design that comes with a matching bracelet. |
Sleeveless top
A form-fitting design that comes with a matching bracelet. |
Comfortable and convenient, for those days you gotta go to the Temporium and don't wanna dress up. |
Layered t-shirts
A short-sleeve t-shirt over a long-sleeve one, to mix and match colors however you like. |
Anonymous Cloak
A cloak that should make you fairly inconspicuous in the streets of Quetzal... |
Protective Chestplate
An innovative piece of armor that protects the chest from blows while allowing excellent freedom of movement. |
Winged heart sweater
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Shirt with shoulder pads
Do they make you look stronger? Or just bigger? |
Provides support or protection against sweat, as required. |
Two-tone hoodie
A comfy hoodie, in a sporty bi-tone design. |
Faded T-shirt
Create your own cool colour transitions! |
Green dot t-shirt
Large, round dots provide a striking visual contrast to your favorite dye. |
Striped t-shirt
Nothing like simple stripes to show off your best tints! |
Plain T-shirt
Show your true colours with this uncomplicated short sleeved t-shirt. |
Cropped Tube Top
For daring tamers who don't do tanning lines. |
Tri-stripe t-shirt
Tri-stripe for a tre-mendous t-shirt! |
Lochburgian knitted jumper
Spotting elaborate cable and honeycomb knitting patterns, this jumper has kept Lochburgian sailors dry and warm for generations. |
Fieldwork Vest
Protective as well as practical, this multi-pocket vest is ideal for long days of Temtem catching in the wild. |
CoolTam leather jacket
The definitive urban vibes jacket, for the tamer who sets the trends, rather than follow them. |
Baggy Pants
Reinforced pants with spats to offer maximum protection for the outdoorsy tamer. |
Striped Baggy Pants
Sturdy outdoor pants with spats keep you elegantly protected while catching Temtem in the wild. |
Cave Raider bottoms
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Relaxed Shorts
A typically laid-back style for the Denizan summers. |
These pants are a perfect compromise between sport and dress, ideal for most non-Dojo occasions. |
Decorated with a subtle geometric pattern, these baggy trousers are popular among retro fans. |
Jeans and heavy-duty boots
Picking mushrooms in the forest or catching Temtem by the river? No matter what you do, this rugged combination will serve you well. |
Skinny Jeans
Contemporary and flattering, made in elastic, form-fitting denim. |
Y2K denim skirt
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Kilt and sporran
The traditional attire of the Lochburgian highlanders, with strong cultural ties to the Domnall-era clans. |
Knit-cuff pants
A must-have for any wardrobe. Ideal for daily casual wear. |
Laid-back shorts
Nothing says "vacation" like shorts and flip-flops. |
For tamers who spend a lot of time on the beach and don't mind flaunting it. |
Nanga Miniskirt
A cute design with a subtle pattern inspired by Canopath leaves. |
Tartan miniskirt and boots
Take me back to Swinging Properton! This retro design is a forward-looking nod to the best decades of Arburian fashion. |
Tie Down Pants
Practical shorts, enhanced with tied rope details for a rustic touch. |
Pencil pants and heels
Office meets pub! This combination of snug-fitting, flattering pants and sensible shoes is ideal for work or a night out in Properton. |
Sporty tamer trousers
Elastic and form-fitting, for the tamer who likes to exercise at the same time as they practice their art! |
Adventure Pants
Featuring heavy tactical boots and steel-reinforced knee pads, these are for tamers who expect serious opposition. |
Cipanku-style jodhpurs
Originally worn by the Temtem-riders of yore, these pants bring the design up to date with trad-chic! |
Dojo pants
Although not compulsory any more, many Dojo students still wear them with pride. |
Optimal for negotiating the broken terrain of the savanna... and for showing your defiance against the invaders.
Optimal for negotiating the broken terrain of the savanna... and for showing your defiance against the invaders. |
Hiking Pants
With special knee reinforcements and sturdy trekking boots, these will see you through the longest of wilderness treks. |
Sea-queen's pareo
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Flowery Sarong
Practical and cute wraparound skirt from the Myrisles. |
Dojo Raider Shorts
Ideal for intrepid adventurers who feel at home in the wilderness. |
Shorts and capri leggings
Always look your best, out catching Temtem or showing them off in the Dojo. |
Cotton Underwear
Timeless and comfy. |
Tracksuit Pants
Practical and sporty for tamers who need a lot of freedom of movement. |
Galios' armor
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Summit Leader armor
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Villainous set
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Frosted Spirit set
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Primal Hunter set
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Bloodhunter set
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Jeweled Feathers set
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Dainty zipper set
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Urban Miyako set
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Onsenshima set
The perfect way to preserve modesty while you enjoy a deliciously relaxing hot bath at the best onsen in the Archipelago. |
Earthy Spring set
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Self-made Warrior
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Sundress and Sneakers
A cute look for when you want to lounge around or hit the Dojo. |
Ready Explorer outfit
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Clockwork apparel
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Ghastly girly attire
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Full neoprene wetsuit, especially suited for Water tamers who spend long days in the Sillaro. |
Royal Mummy attire
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Post-apocalyptic garb
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Innki Shaman attire
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Desert Rogue set
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Resistance dress uniform
The parade version of the Kisiwan Reistance uniform. Wear it with pride, veteran of Uhuru! |
Belsoto grunt uniform
The lowest rank of Belsoto goons wear this uniform. |
Telomere Hack - ATK
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to ATK and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. Only works on non Luma Temtem and you must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hack - SPATK
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to SPATK and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. Only works on non Luma Temtem and you must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hack - Trait Swap
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, swapping their trait and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. Only works on non Luma Temtem and you must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hack - DEF
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to DEF and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. Only works on non Luma Temtem and you must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hack - SPDEF
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to SPDEF and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. Only works on non Luma Temtem and you must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hack - STA
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to STA and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. Only works on non Luma Temtem and you must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hack - HP
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to HP and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. Only works on non Luma Temtem and you must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hack - SPD
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to SPD and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. Only works on non Luma Temtem and you must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Enhancer Pineapple
Adds 20TVs to HP. |
Enhancer Avocado
Adds 50TVs to a random stat below 500TVs |
Telomere Hack Box
No information... |
Telomere Hotfix Box
No information... |
E. Pinealpple Candy
Adds 1TVs to HP |
E. Cherry Candy
Adds 1TVs to SPD |
W. Lemon Candy
Subtracts 1TVs from HP |
W. Lime Candy
Subtracts 1TVs from DEF |
E. Coconut Candy
Adds 1TVs to DEF |
W. Kumquat Candy
Subtracts 1TVs from SPD |
W. Tangerine Candy
Subtracts 1TVs from SPDEF |
E. Mango Candy
Adds 1TVs to SPATK |
W. Orange Candy
Subtracts 1TVs from ATK |
W. Grapefruit Candy
Subtracts 1TVs from STA |
E. Papaya Candy
Adds 1TVs to SPDEF |
E. Watermelon Candy
Adds 1TVs to STA |
E. Peach Candy
Adds 1TVs to ATK |
W. Pomelo Candy
Subtracts 1TVs from SPATK |
Enhancer Cherry
Adds 20TVs to SPD |
Weakener Lemon
Substract 20TVs from HP. |
E. Papaya Essence
Give 100TVs in SPDEF. |
E. Watermelon Essence
Give 100TVs in STA. |
Weakener Kumquat
Subtracts 20TVs from SPD |
Weakener Lime
Subtracts 20TVs from DEF |
Weakener Tangerine
Subtrats 20TVs from SPDEF |
Enhancer Mango
Adds 20TVs to SPATK |
Evolves instantly a Temtem. |
Enhancer Coconut
Adds 20TVs to DEF |
Weakener Orange
Subtracts 20TVs from ATK |
Weakener Pomelo
Subtracts 20TVs from SPATK |
Enhancer Papaya
Adds 20TVs to SPDEF |
Enhancer Watermelon
Adds 20TVs to STA |
Telomere Hotfix - ATK
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to ATK and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. You must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hotfix - SPATK
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to SPATK and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. You must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hotfix - DEF
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to DEF and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. You must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hotfix - SPDEF
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to SPDEF and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. You must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hotfix - STA
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to STA and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. You must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hotfix - HP
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to HP and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. You must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Telomere Hotfix - SPD
This experimental genefix alters chromosomes in the Temtem DNA, adding 1 SVs to SPD and reducing the Temtem's fertility by 1. You must be the Temtem's Orinal Tamer to use it. |
Enhancer Peach
Adds 20TVs to ATK |
Weakener Grapefruit
Subtracts 20TVs from STA |
E. Pineapple Smoothie
Adds 50TVs to HP |
E. Cherry Smoothie
Adds 50TVs to SPD |
W. Lemon Smoothie
Subtracts 50TVs from HP |
W. Lime Smoothie
Subtracts 50TVs from DEF |
E. Coconut Smoothie
Adds 50TVs to DEF |
W. Kumquat Smoothie
Subtracts 50TVs from SPD |
W. Tangerine Smoothie
Subtracts 50TVs from SPDEF |
E. Mango Smoothie
Adds 50TVs to SPATK |
W. Orange Smoothie
Subtracts 50TVs from ATK |
W. Grapefruit Smoothie
Subtracts 50TVs from STA |
E. Papaya Smoothie
Adds 50TVs en SPDEF |
E. Watermelon Smoothie
Adds 50TVs to STA |
E. Peach Smoothie
Adds 50TVs to ATK |
W. Pomelo Smoothie
Subtracts 50TVs from SPATK |
Growth Enhancer
No information... |
Weakener Yuzu
Subtrats 50TVs from a random stat over 0TVs |
Narwhal Adventure dye bundle
This dye bundle is a tribute to airship captains and their daring feats. |
Fury of Anak dye bundle
The deepest jungle and the fiercest lava meet in this wild bundle! |
Sillaro Romance dye bundle
A love affair of blues, whites and glittering hues. |
Dock Serenade dye bundle
The colors of a full moon night by the docks. |
Wings of Adoration
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Angelic wings
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Devilish wings
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Scholar's Best Friend
This practical, sartorial bag can be worn comfortably as a rucksack or carried elegantly like a briefcase. Ideal for both freshers and University dons! |
Leather knapsack
No information... |
School Bag
A trusty backpack for school or a day trip to the beach |
Incubator device
A hi-tech prototype by Akihiro Labs, beta-tested by you! The first egg in your squad will hatch 100% faster. |
Survival Kit
Water container, with water purifying tables and the rest of the must-haves for survival on the surface of Tucma. |
Chain and plaid bag
No information... |
Striped Backpack
Ideal for shool, Dojo practice or simple to carry your TemCards and a sandwich. |
No information... |
Great Old One bag
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Plushie Occlura bag
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Plushie Shuine
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SkelTems backpack
No information... |
Trendy knapsack
A small and smart knapsack, with two separate zipped compartments, to keep Temcards and potions tidy. |
Toxicboi backpack
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Cactus bag
Caution: Might still contain spines. |
Fossil Hunter bag
No information... |
Hiking backpack
Preparing for a long trip across the Archipelago? Stash all your essentials in this sturdy backpack. |
Cute purse bag
Is it a backpack in the shape of a purse, or a giant coin purse disguised as a backpack? Only one way to find out! |
Well-packed skis
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Endaira's Chosen
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Temtem Collector title
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Dojo Warrior
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0% Soulbound
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Luma Mogul
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No information... |
No information... |
DraftArena banner
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GritArena banner
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DigiLair banner
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LuMawmense Banner
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Creepy Crawlies banner
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Talking Planchette banner
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Kings of the Stone Age banner
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Rolling Around banner
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SkelTems banner
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TemSafari banner
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EvershiftingTower banner
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Acorn Age emote
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Summoning Jutsu emote
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Cry emote
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You'll Float Too emote
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Toss a Coin
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Scarlet Energy Seal
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Twisted Mind Seal
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Flaming Seal
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OP Seal
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Why Spiders? Seal
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Dark Glitter Seal
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Wormy Seal
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Myx Piggyback Steed
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Akranox Steed
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Arachnyte Steed
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Broccolem Steed
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Capyre Steed
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Chimurian Steed
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Speedy Goolder Steed
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Granpah Steed
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Loatle Steed
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Mawmense steed
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Mushi Steed
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Rhoulder Steed
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Sanbi Steed
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Tulcan Steed
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Tuvine Steed
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Tuwire Steed
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Volarend Steed
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Vulcrane Steed
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Zizare Steed
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Hop'n'Bounce Mimit
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No information... |
No information... |
Rock Wheels
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Shrouded Carrier
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Kalabyss Carrier
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Arcane Carrier
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Yowlar Carrier
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Racing Car 33
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TC001 |
No specific effect. |
TC002 |
Stone Wall
Gives DEF and SPDEF to the target. |
TC003 |
Turbo Choreography
Gives SPD to your team. |
TC004 |
Wake Up
Awaken the target that have Asleep status condition. |
TC005 |
Cures all status of the user and removes all negatives Stages on the target. |
TC006 |
Magma Cannon
Inflicts Burned status condition to the target during 2 turns. |
TC007 |
Noxious Bomb
No specific effect. |
TC008 |
Awful Song
Inflicts Isolated status condition to the target during 3 turns. |
TC009 |
Cures the Poisoned status condition to the targets and give 2 . |
TC010 |
The target is Seized during 5 turns. |
TC011 |
Everyone on the battlefield gets Trapped for 2 turns. |
TC012 |
Deals 50% of target’s remaining HP. |
TC013 |
Gives DEF to the user. |
TC014 |
Madness Buff
The user loses 25% of their max HP but gives SPATK and SPDEF . |
TC015 |
Gives SPD and Vigorized during 2 turns to the user. |
TC016 |
Held Anger
No specific effect. |
TC017 |
Inflicts Asleep to all Temtem on the battlefield during 2 turns. |
TC018 |
Major Slash
No specific effect. |
TC019 |
Base Jump
No specific effect. |
TC020 |
If the Temtem is Alerted, gets 2 turns of Evading status condition. |
TC021 |
Double Edge
Gives DEF and SPDEF to the target and will hit through evasion. |
TC022 |
Look out
Gives Alerted status condition to the user during 2 turns to the user and ally. |
TC023 |
Serbatiyo’s Wrath
Deals damages to the enemy team and gives SPATK to the user. |
TC024 |
Inflicts SPD to all Temtem on the battlefield. |
TC025 |
Inflicts Seized and Exhausted to all other Temtem during 2 turns. The user is overexentend and cannot attack next turn. |
TC026 |
Inflicts Isolated status conditions to the battlefield during 2 turns. |
TC027 |
Cures Trapped status of the target and gives DEF and SPDEF . |
TC028 |
No specific effect. |
TC029 |
Zen Meditation
Gives ATK and SPATK to the user and his ally. |
TC030 |
Data Corruption
Gives SPDEF to the target. |
TC031 |
Harmful Microwaves
No specific effect. |
TC032 |
Gives SPATK and heals 10% of their max HP to the user. |
TC033 |
Beef Up
Gives ATK . |
TC034 |
Gives ATK and SPD to the user. |
TC035 |
Quartz Dirt
No specific effect. |
TC036 |
Soil Steam
No specific effect. |
TC037 |
Sanative Rain
Heals 15% HP of every Temtem on the battlefield. |
TC038 |
Inflicts doomed and immunizes to the target for 5 turns. |
TC039 |
Kesa Gatame
Inflicts SPD and applies 3 turns of Trapped to the target. |
TC040 |
When this technique hits a target affected by the Asleep Status Condition, the base damage of this technique gets doubled 180. |
TC041 |
Cleans all target's statuses. |
TC042 |
The target loses 40 HP. |
TC043 |
Restores 40% of the target's STA and removes :condame:Doom Status Condition from the target. |
TC044 |
Fiery Ballad
No specific effect. |